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Momentum's Health and Wellness Policies





●  Wellness Check: ​Students will need to bring a completed daily Wellness Screening Form when checking in with the Front desk. This form must be received by the office before students will be allowed to enter the Momentum Lobby.


Forms will need to be completed and signed by a parent prior to arrival. This form may also be emailed to ​,​ or completed via google forms: COVID-19 Wellness Screening.​ If your dancer is feeling sick or has a fever please stay home! If any member of your family has a fever or is sick, your dancer must stay home. If your dancer has been exposed to anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 then they must remain home for 14 days in quarantine. If anyone in your dancer’s home is suspected of having been exposed to COVID, your dancer must remain home for 14 days in quarantine. Classes are available virtually in the event your dancer is unable to join us in-person.


●  Dance Bags:​ Dancers should arrive dressed and ready for class. Limit personal items to dance shoes and a​ labeled water bottle​ in a small dance bag. This bag must hold all shoes, clothing, jackets, etc. during class. Please have your student bring a full water bottle to the studio. Water fountains will be closed until further notice. Momentum will have complimentary bottles of water if your dancers need one.


●  Restrooms: Please use the restroom before entering the studio as Restrooms are to be used for emergencies only.



●  Momentum Lobby: ​The Momentum Lobby will be for dancers only. We have staggered arrivals and have zoned off waiting areas to keep students safety distance while they wait for class. Students should arrive 5 min prior to class start and check-in with the Front desk. After checking in they will move to a color-coded waiting spot until the teacher comes to collect them for class. While waiting in the lobby they will prepare for class (put on shoes, etc). If possible, it is recommended that parents drop off students outside of the building to avoid large gatherings in the front lobby.


●  Building Lobby:​ Although the building lobby is open we ask that all parents wait in their cars to limit the amount of people in the front lobby before and after classes. All Momentum lobby spaces will be closed to parents and will have waiting space for only 5 students (current class max).



●  Social Distancing and Masks: W​earing a mask while at Momentum will be mandatory at this time. Momentum will have disposable masks available if your student does not have one. We have a color-coded Social distancing system in place for lobbies, and classrooms. Each student will be assigned a color for the day and will use the same color marked spaces for waiting, personal items, barre work, and center when at Momentum. This color-coded system will allow us to monitor safe distancing and limit contact to as few spaces as possible. All teachers and students will be asked to avoid physical contact with others. All corrections will be verbal only and no contact or partnering will be allowed in choreography.


●  Sanitation: A​ll high touch surfaces, including barres and dance floors will be sanitized between each class. Students will be asked to use hand sanitizer prior to entering Momentum Lobby and will sanitize before leaving the classroom. Please have your dancer use the restroom prior to arriving at the studio. Restrooms will be for emergencies only.



Pickup:​ At the end of class students will sanitize hands, grab personal belongings, change shoes and exit the studio through the rear door in each classroom. Teachers will walk their class to the front building lobby for pick-up. If possible it is recommended that parents remain outside the building during pickup to avoid large gatherings in the front building lobby. This will help create a one-way traffic pathway in lobbies and hallways to better maintain social distancing. If a dancer has a break between classes they will need to recheck-in with the desk 5 min before later class. If the dancer has a break of more than 15 min they will need to exit the building and return 5 min before later class.


Please discuss these guidelines with your dancers! This will be a different experience for everyone. We are striving in every way possible to make our return to the studio positive and successful! Because our lobby is closed to non dancers, we ask that all payments be made through our Studio Director portal or dropped in our mailbox in the front building lobby. If you need office assistance, or have questions or concerns, please call 206-242-1239, or email



In order to keep our severely food-allergic children safe, we request that students refrain from bringing peanut and nut food products into Momentum's facility. We have a dedicated "break room" where food & snacks may be consumed. Please do not eat or drink in the reception area, dressing room or studios. This also helps maintain a clean facility. Ballet barres are wiped down on a daily basis; restrooms and studios are cleaned twice weekly. If your child has a food allergy, please indicate it on registration.


If your child is ill, please do not bring them to Momentum. Make-up classes are available in cases of illness, injury or emergency. If your child has had a fever, vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours, please do not attend class. We supply hand sanitizer for students and visitors. Teach your child to use it before and after class. Restrooms are located in front and back for handwashing.


In the event of a minor injury (fall, scrape, strain, or sprain) the faculty will apply ice, elevate, and if necessary contact the parent or the emergency contact person(s). In the event of a medical emergency, Momentum will call 911 and then the parent or the emergency contact person(s). To reduce injuries, our dance studios are equipped with state-of-the-art sprung floors.

Did you know that Momentum is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is providing over $40,000 in financial aid scholarships for the 2024-25 academic year?  Please help us fund and continue these programs by donating today!

Questions? Call us at 206-242-1239
15811 Ambaum Blvd SW, Suite 160, Burien, WA 98166

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